Friday, August 26, 2016

Roll Into Stretch Part 2

In part 2, we'll cover basic release techniques. Below are videos of the most common places to look for trigger points. Trigger points occur where a nerve innervates a muscle and can restrict a joint's full range of motion. Trigger points are notorious for creating referred pain, or pain that manifests somewhere else in the body. It's important not to continue to roll a spot that produces tingling, numbness, or shooting sensations.
A knot is a group of muscle fibers that get stuck in the on position. Remember, explore the targeted muscle lengthwise to find any tender spots. Once found, move up and down and left and right to explore the tender spot's dimensions. Apply thirty seconds to two minutes of pressure (Although I go as long as ten minutes). This should produce immediate results and is an opportune time to try to stretch the area. Stretching an adaptively short muscle before release is counterproductive. If the brain made it short, attempts to lengthen this muscle through stretching will only force your brain to make it shorter, and the tug of war begins. Release the muscle first, then immediately stretch it, and you'll get what I call a true stretch.

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